Monday, April 12, 2010


We were given free tickets to the Circus that was in town, so yesterday we loaded up the whole family and went to see the Circus! We had never been to the Circus before, so I wasn't quite sure what we were in for - but over all we all enjoyed it, even the baby! She was very interested in the gymnast women who performed up near the ceiling on ropes and fabric. She also liked it when they turned down off the lights and you could see all of the kids' light up toys that they bought. Our boys were a little upset that they didn't get to buy any of those toys! We rarely carry cash, but we had a few dollars that we used to buy pop and popcorn. They also wanted to ride the elephants during intermission, but we didn't have enough cash to buy the special tickets for it and you couldn't pay for anything there with a credit card.

I really liked the elephant tricks, and the kids liked the clowns. There was one who had these stuffed animals that he was 'winding up' but it wouldn't work until he got to the elephant. So he gets the elephant to follow him around, but it keeps falling down at a certain point and he picks it up ... well it turns out that the stuffed elephant robot toy - is a little DOG in a costume! I was shocked! LOL. Anyway, it was fun and something new and different for us to do. They kids enjoyed it, but unfortunately my husband did not bring the camera so we didn't get any pictures!

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