Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Smiley Faces

I made a previous post about our new family rules, and since then we've been trying to come up with a plan for what to do if the rules get broken. So last week after some very bad behavior, I came up with a plan... happy faces. I made each of the older two children a chart with their names on it, and then on the side I listed some rewards that they can EARN. Right now the rewards are going camping, going to the pool, and going go-karting/mini-golfing. If they earn 10 smiley faces each then they get the reward, if they don't earn ten, then they don't go. They can earn the faces by following the rules, and/or by helping another family member. It seems to be working okay so far.
Ideally, I've never been one who was big on rewards, punishments, etc. but to be honest the kids behavior was getting out of control! We had even resorted to spanking on occasion and that's something I try to avoid. So for now we are going to use the charts, and hopefully if things improve we can phase them out later.