Friday, June 19, 2009

Busy Summer so far!

It seems like every year after the kids get out of school June is very busy, and the summer just flys by! This year Ryan is taking a gymnastics class MWF for the month of June, and Lucas is taking Archery on Monday mornings. Lucas also took a 1 week pottery class, but that is over now. Once a week Ryan also has play therapy and Lucas has summer school for Reading. It's a lot of running around!
Right now I'm trying to prepare for Cub Scout Day Camp which is next week, and our family vacation which is the following week. I'm suposed to be helping out at day camp but I'm worried about leaving the younger ones with my husband at his work while I am there, since he can't take those days off. Last year he was able to help out at day camp and I stayed at home w/ the two littler ones. I'm also trying to figure out everything that we will need to get, bring, buy, clean, and pack before our trip!
Hopefully after we get back from vacation the summer will slow down a bit. The boys won't have as many activities and we should be able to just hang out, play outside, go to the park, zoo, and swimming, and get together w/ some friends. Just to relax and enjoy the summer while it lasts!

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